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210 messages.
Julie Fairfield Julie Fairfield de Montréal a écrit le 23/02/2016 à 13 h 25 min
J'aimerais tant que le train revienne…il s'agissait pour moi d'une méthode simple et agréable d'aller visiter mon frère et sa famille déménagée à Chandler.
J'aimerais tant que le train revienne…il s'agissait pour moi d'une méthode simple et agréable d'aller visiter mon frère et sa famille déménagée à Chandler…. Replier
Raynelle Castilloux Raynelle Castilloux de Paspébiac a écrit le 17/02/2016 à 0 h 14 min
Il serait important que le train reprenne le rail en Gaspésie… Ce n'est pas un luxe mais une nécessité pour la santé, l'éducation, et l'économie et il va s'en dire pour le touriste.
Il serait important que le train reprenne le rail en Gaspésie… Ce n'est pas un luxe mais une nécessité pour la santé, l'éducation, et l'économie et il va s'en dire pour le touriste…. Replier
Mary Robertson Mary Robertson de Cascapedia St Jules a écrit le 14/02/2016 à 11 h 27 min
Travelling by train is an essential part of how life was on the Gaspe Coast. It was our connection with the rest of Canada. The railway was also part of our economic means by which we were able to build business and commerce. It was an essential part of the tourism industry that the Gaspe Coast needs to provide employment. Transportation is an essential service for every citizen who lives on the Coast for one reason or another. The rest of the country remains connected by the railway… it was a major component and dream in the building this country. What more is there to understand as to our need to have a train?
Travelling by train is an essential part of how life was on the Gaspe Coast. It was our connection with the rest of Canada. The railway was also part of our economic means by which we were able to build business and commerce. It was an essential part of the tourism industry that the Gaspe Coast needs to provide employment. Transportation is an essential service for every citizen who lives on the Coast for one reason or another. The rest of the country remains connected by the railway… it was a major component and dream in the building this country. What more is there to understand as to our need to have a train?… Replier
Brian Brian de Moncton a écrit le 13/02/2016 à 19 h 55 min
I rode the Gaspe train back in 2008. It would be awesome to ride it again!
I rode the Gaspe train back in 2008. It would be awesome to ride it again!… Replier
Bob & Gloria Ross Bob & Gloria Ross de Ottawa, Ontario a écrit le 12/02/2016 à 21 h 41 min
How bad is it not to have a train on the coast, people are unable to visit their families that live out of town unless they drive. No matter where you live it is without a doubt a need of a train for transportation especially on the Gaspe coast. Please, please, please do something & get back on track with the lovely Gaspe coast.
How bad is it not to have a train on the coast, people are unable to visit their families that live out of town unless they drive. No matter where you live it is without a doubt a need of a train for transportation especially on the Gaspe coast.
Please, please, please do something & get back on track with the lovely Gaspe coast…. Replier
Betty Sinclair Betty Sinclair de Ingleside ON a écrit le 12/02/2016 à 19 h 12 min
I was born and raided on the Gaspe coast. After completing my schooling I had to move to the city to seek job opportunities. I was able to go back and forth to visit my family via train for many years. It is so sad today to think our 91 year old mother as well as many friends are still there and we have no means of transportation to go there to see them. Please bring the train back to the Gaspe coast.
I was born and raided on the Gaspe coast. After completing my schooling I had to move to the city to seek job opportunities. I was able to go back and forth to visit my family via train for many years.
It is so sad today to think our 91 year old mother as well as many friends are still there and we have no means of transportation to go there to see them.
Please bring the train back to the Gaspe coast…. Replier
Allan Sinclair Allan Sinclair de Ingleside ON a écrit le 12/02/2016 à 19 h 08 min
Being from Cullens Brook, Bonaventure County it is sad to think there is no train to use to go back and forth to visit family and friends. Please put the train back on the tracks.
Being from Cullens Brook, Bonaventure County it is sad to think there is no train to use to go back and forth to visit family and friends.
Please put the train back on the tracks…. Replier
Edith Cunningham Edith Cunningham de Cornwall ON a écrit le 12/02/2016 à 18 h 59 min
I have an aging mother in the Gaspe area who needs assistance and unable to drive. To come to the city for medical appointments she requires transportation. Her children, who are also getting older, must drive to the Gaspe area to get her to bring her to the Montreal for her treatments. Prior to the discontinuation of the train, we could easily go and return from Montreal to the Gaspe coast. It would greatly be appreciated if the train service could be reinstated.
I have an aging mother in the Gaspe area who needs assistance and unable to drive. To come to the city for medical appointments she requires transportation. Her children, who are also getting older, must drive to the Gaspe area to get her to bring her to the Montreal for her treatments. Prior to the discontinuation of the train, we could easily go and return from Montreal to the Gaspe coast. It would greatly be appreciated if the train service could be reinstated…. Replier
Vivian Scott Vivian Scott de Mississauga, ON a écrit le 12/02/2016 à 18 h 54 min
I had to leave the Gaspe coast to pursue job opportunities in Montreal and Toronto in the late 70's. My '91 year old mother' still lives there and without the train it makes it very difficult for me to visit my mother on a regular basis. Driving to the Gaspe from Toronto was an easy 16 hour drive years ago however as I age I find it more difficult so please bring back the train ! ! !
I had to leave the Gaspe coast to pursue job opportunities in Montreal and Toronto in the late 70's. My '91 year old mother' still lives there and without the train it makes it very difficult for me to visit my mother on a regular basis. Driving to the Gaspe from Toronto was an easy 16 hour drive years ago however as I age I find it more difficult so please bring back the train ! ! !… Replier
Robert Fitzgerald Robert Fitzgerald de Richmond Hill a écrit le 12/02/2016 à 17 h 59 min
Diane Moussette Diane Moussette de Port-Daniel-Gascons a écrit le 08/02/2016 à 10 h 01 min
Envoyé aussi un email au Premier Ministre
Envoyé aussi un email au Premier Ministre… Replier
SARAH MACKENZIE SARAH MACKENZIE de SHIGAWAKE, QC a écrit le 06/02/2016 à 10 h 39 min
My family enjoyed using the train to come for their summer vacations to visit me and hopefully it will return soon.
My family enjoyed using the train to come for their summer vacations to visit me and hopefully it will return soon…. Replier
Emily St-Pierre Emily St-Pierre de Kanata, Ont a écrit le 05/02/2016 à 16 h 29 min
I do not drive and always used the train to travel to visit my friends in the Gaspe and the return of service would be great.
I do not drive and always used the train to travel to visit my friends in the Gaspe and the return of service would be great…. Replier
Reine Crosnier Reine Crosnier de Drummondville a écrit le 03/02/2016 à 22 h 47 min
le train en Gaspésie est un besoin essentiel et nécessaire.
le train en Gaspésie est un besoin essentiel et nécessaire…. Replier
DOROTHY SAUSON DOROTHY SAUSON de LONDON, ONTARIO a écrit le 02/02/2016 à 15 h 32 min
Have always travelled by train to the Gaspe to visit my sister in Shigawake and my sister-in-law in Hope Town and many other friends and relatives in the area. We need the train service in the Gaspe.
Have always travelled by train to the Gaspe to visit my sister in Shigawake and my sister-in-law in Hope Town and many other friends and relatives in the area. We need the train service in the Gaspe…. Replier
JESSIE WATT JESSIE WATT de HOPE TOWN, QUEBEC a écrit le 02/02/2016 à 7 h 52 min
All my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren live over 1000km from here, and with return of the train they would come to visit me on their vacations.
All my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren live over 1000km from here, and with return of the train they would come to visit me on their vacations…. Replier
RUTH WATT-LYALL RUTH WATT-LYALL de GREEN VALLEY, ONTARIO a écrit le 02/02/2016 à 7 h 45 min
We certainly have to get the train back as travel to visit family in the Gaspe is very important.
We certainly have to get the train back as travel to visit family in the Gaspe is very important…. Replier
Garth Gilker Garth Gilker de Montréal a écrit le 30/01/2016 à 18 h 10 min
So sad to see the termination of Canada’s last coastal passenger train running the shores of her three oceans.
So sad to see the termination of Canada’s last coastal passenger train running the shores of her three oceans…. Replier
Médor Doiron Médor Doiron de Bonaventure a écrit le 30/01/2016 à 9 h 36 min
Le train est une ressource vitale pour notre région. Faisons en sorte qu'il puisse revenir dans notre belle Gaspésie. Avons-nous des politiciens et des politiciennes exceptionnelles en région, au Québec et au Canada qui savent donner vie au train. Le train depuis la Gaspésie n'est pas mort. Disons qu'il se trouve momentanément sur le respirateur artificiel. Réveilles-toi au train!!! Viens nous sauver!
Le train est une ressource vitale pour notre région. Faisons en sorte qu'il puisse revenir dans notre belle Gaspésie. Avons-nous des politiciens et des politiciennes exceptionnelles en région, au Québec et au Canada qui savent donner vie au train. Le train depuis la Gaspésie n'est pas mort. Disons qu'il se trouve momentanément sur le respirateur artificiel. Réveilles-toi au train!!! Viens nous sauver!… Replier
Gladys Bechervaise Gladys Bechervaise de Gaspe a écrit le 26/01/2016 à 18 h 37 min

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